Each Womb has a Story.

Personalised Womb Bowls for every Woman's Journey.

The Story

The Womb Bowls were born through the birth of my son. In the last week of my pregnancy I made the first bowl. Holding him in my arm post birth, I connected to my Womb - the place that creates life!

I realised this bowl represented my Womb. In honour of all she passed through in my life and to bring his life to this Earth, I felt called to honour my Womb and create Womb Bowls.

I created 13 Womb Bowls to represent different stages of my Womb's journey in my life. Each a turning point in it's own right.

Since I have been inspired to create different collections of Womb Bowls to honour different aspects such as Mother Earth, Moon, Birth, Grief and more as inspiration sprouts.

Through connecting to my Womb space, my creativity awakened in new ways and I have allowed this artistry to express itself in "Other Creations".

Every piece is custom made by hand to order. So no two pieces are alike, and the images are mere suggestions of what will be expressed in your individual order as I connect to you, your energy and womb in the making process.

Uses of Your Womb Bowl


The Womb Bowl can be used for moon rituals; new & full moon and rites of passage for a women's first moon.

To hold the monthly moon and offer it back to the earth. Post birth rituals for the honoring of the placenta and yoni steaming.


The Womb Bowl can be used as a centre piece in a sharing circle for women to honour their wombs and connect in the circle.

Filled with water, candles or flowers and decorated in different ways to honour the sacred feminine in all her forms.


The Womb Bowl can be placed on an altar with crystals, water, flowers or filled with any elements.

She can be filled with flowers to honour life and prayers made to call in creativity, a new life and to let go of any pains she carries.

The Making Process

Getting creative with clay.


The Womb Bowl Collection

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