

Womb Bowls was founded by Mar through the birth of her son. 

By connecting to the power of her Womb through her natural home-birth in Portugal, it awakened a deep connection to her feminine essence and a new creativity in her life that she was aware of but lay dormant.

In September 2020, she traded in her teams co-working office for a space in Caulino Ceramics a studio in Lisbon. Creating with her hands and working with all the elements in pottery such as earth, water, fire and air - her unique ceramic creations are born!

“Creating with my hands, I learn so much about materialising my projects in the world. I get new ideas and inspirations for my businesses from the studio and vice versa."

She has found the balance of flow and form by weaving the connection to her sacred feminine into her work.

Mar balances her entrepreneurial life with her time in the studio, having found a new form of expression and inspiration. Her work with women on Money and Purpose are closely linked to the Womb space, where all of life’s creations are born and our gifts sprouts from.

She is creating a book of rituals for the bowls, and has worked with the Womb Bowls in different setting such as in circle's and blessing's. Using them for specific purposes such collecting ones moon or healing from grief and loss.

Through her Women’s Empowerment work she helps women connect back to their personal power, unique creativity and inner wisdom.

Are you ready to connect to Your Womb's creativity?